i want you to read this story....if you don't understand what i mean....the result is:
1. part; Surviving, Agony and a Strawberry
Somewhere in Tokyo, a woman was running alone in the night, someone was chasing her. She ran in the quiet streets. Praying for help, she promised herself that her two years old baby, you, whom she was carrying, would survive no matter what. Her chaser yelled:"Woman, you won't get away alive!"She refused to hear it. The baby must survive. But she was getting tired of running, so she fell on the ground."You murderer!! Don't come near me!!" As she shouted that, the dark figure was closing in. "You killed my husband! Don't take her from me!""You deserve this *****... That child will die... and everybody will see it as a terrible accident. Mother and her baby ran over by a truck... Sad." The man's voice was very vicious, he really was going to kill both of you. He grabbed a knife in his pocket, came at the woman and her screaming fell on deaf ears. He cruelly slashed her throat open, and she dropped the baby, and you rolled a metre away from her. She fell on the ground gasping for breath, praying for you. She was losing blood rapidly and soon her head was all blurry. You started to cry, and the woman whispered with her last breath:"May the gods watch over you..."The man stepped on her throat and she died right there before your baby girl eyes. Then he turned to you. He looked into your spring green eyes. He laughed and dropped the knife on your heart. You died immediately, without any agony, unlike your mother."Hahahaha! Now you see you *****! There's no messing with our boss!" He laughed, and there was a sound of police cars coming. The man left and took the knife with him.Your soul was separated from your mother. Your soul was going to Soul Society, unlike your mother's who had so many regrets to the world. Your mother was chained to the living world. Your soul was in a line of thousands of souls, and it would be sent to a district of Rugonkai. Of course a baby couldn't be left alone, so they would give someone to watch over you. Lucky for the little you, you got a healthy adult man to protect you from harm. Your father. He was terrified to see his baby again in heaven. He knew the murderer, therefore he guessed that his wife had been killed as well. He had no choice but to do his best with raising you, as a memorial for his beloved wife. Unfortunately, you were both sent to one of the Rugonkai's poorest districts. Somehow you managed to survive for seven long years. So far you had both been lucky enough to remain alive although there were many murderer's and many other shady persons in the poorest districts. Well, one day the your father didn't return from his walk, he was killed and you were left alone in Rugonkai. All you had as a memory of him was an amulet with a picture of a heart pierced by an arrow, your name carved to the back of it. Anyway you had to learn to stand up for yourself and steal water and food. You didn't know anything about stealing, so you practically had no choice but to trust luck. As years passed, you learned more of stealing and surviving. You would just turn 13 in couple days. Alone in an alleyway, you were drinking some water from a vase you stole. What kind of birthday would it be again... Avoiding killers and trying to survive. Of course rapers and other idiots would be a pain too. You hadn't been able to steal food this morning, so you were feeling dizzy and ill. You passed out.Later, you woke up. You hadn't died lying on the alleyway. You were sure that it should've happened. Unless someone non killer had found you. You refused to open your eyes, in fear of some old hag who would make you her maid. Or maybe you had been caught by eyes of a sick minded man? You heard men shouting behind the door:"I couldn't leave her as she was!""You know you should've! She's just a dirty child from Rugonkai!""But, somehow I felt that I couldn't walk away from her! Like some aura glowing around her, calling out for help!""Pffft, in any case she's in your care now! I won't take her under my wing if you decide to leave her!"Then there was a loud bang of a door, and the other man opened the door and came in. He walked next to your bed and bend over you."Poor kid, you're so slim and helpless...""Who's helpless?!" You snapped and opened your eyes."Oh, you were awake. Finally." You looked at the man and pulled your blanket up on your face. Only your eyes were glancing from the edge of the blanket. The man had long, a bit curly dark brown hair. And a pink patterned cape on his shoulders. Then there was that silly straw hat. He also had stubble. He frightened you so much... He seemed so big, but he had a kind smile on his face. He sat down on a chair by your bed."D-did you save me..?" You asked stiffly."Yes I did. And Im glad for it." He said softly. He wasn't so scary after all."I... I must thank you... But... Why you saved me, a mere child from poorest Rugonkai?""I don't have an exact explanation. I actually, just felt like it." He said looking at the roof. He had a straw hanging on his lip."So... It was an accident really..." You pouted and turned your back to him."Sort of. But, I just don't even know WHY I had to come to the poorest Rugonkai district - I just got the feeling." He kept telling you."W-Wha...?!" You turned back to him again and jumped to a sitting position. That robe under his pink cape, it was a shinigami captain's outfit! "Oh my god... A high class like a shinigami captain saved my sorry ***?"You bowed to him. What else could you do to show respect? You had baggy clothes, a dirty face, messy hair, and lot's of tiny cuts and wounds."Gosh, relax, Im not going to eat you if you won't bow and address me respectfully.." He said shrugging his shoulders. "I guess it was destiny for me to save you. To come there at that moment.""I don't know what to say captain!" You muttered your face on your blanket. You didn't stop bowing."Uhh... Did I not tell you to stop that behaviour?" He asked. You didn't react. "So, this is an ORDER. Get straight."You almost jumped back to sitting, and he grinned. You said nothing. He looked at you with a merciful look."We should get you dressed and cleaned properly!""There's no need captain...""Of course there is! You're my guest now!" He said with a wide smile. "I haven't heard your name yet have I? Im Kyouraku Shunsui, the captain of 8th division.""I-Im Kazumi Hinote..." You answered him looking at the back of your amulet. Why it was so hard to remember your own name..."So, Kazumi, I'll make sure you'll enjoy your stay here." Kyouraku said standing up from the chair he had been sitting on. He smiled and left the room. You couldn't believe all this. Was it just a poor girl's silly dream to get out of Rugonkai? It didn't take long and there were more steps in the corridor."Must be this room, that's what the captain said.""I wonder if Kyouraku's certain of this..."Two shinigamis stepped in. A strict looking dark haired woman, and another woman with a long black plain going down chest. The first woman looked kind of nasty to you, as she had glasses and she was carrying a book. The other one however, seemed gentle and warm... but, she had white robes. You had heard that much that captain class shinigamis wore a white robe on the black ones. And the vice-captains had a badge on their arm. The strict looking woman had a badge."Hello little girl." The nicer appearing woman called to you. "Don't be afraid, we are here just to help you.""Let's get her to a bath." The book carrying woman said raising her glasses."So, this is Isao Nanao the vice-captain in 8th squad. And Im the captain of 4th squad, Unohana Retsu." The captain shinigami said and smiled gently."The introduces are enough, let's get to work.""Don't be so strained Isao-san." Unohana said warmly. "Come with us Kazumi-chan."How did she know your name? Maybe that Kyouraku guy had told her earlier then. What would they do with you? You were frozen up on your bed, so she walked to you and took a hold of your hand. A warm feeling poured in your body, and your cuts were disappearing. Was she from a healing unit?"T-thank you..." You said weakly."No problem." She said smiling again. "Are you ready to go now..?"You stood up but remained silent. You were still just a child, like you knew what to say. You went with them after encouraging yourself and they cleaned your hair, gave you proper clothes and made you look more like a normal girl. Except that the clothes were white shinigami robes. At least they were clean! Now you looked and felt better, but that didn't remove the pain and suffering inside you. You still remembered your mother and father, as they sacrificed themselves to keep you with the living. Well, you couldn't say you were alive anymore."So, tell me Kazumi, what might've caused Kyouraku's passing that day?" Unohana asked you, as she was drying your hair. Nanao had left to work on more important things already like she said it."I don't know..." You replied her. You thought of it the very first time now. Nothing came to your head."Oh, well then, mind if I ask you that did you have to eat at all?" You were dazed of the question, why she asked something like that?"Of course I had to eat! It's nothing abnormal!" You said looking dumbfounded."Actually it is. Normal souls won't get hungry." She said smiling. "You have such a beautiful long hair!""W-w-what.. Won't... Get hungry?""Yes, if a soul must eat that means they have spirit power. Therefore, you can become a shinigami." She answered still drying your hair on the towel."A shinigami?! Me?""Yes."After that day Unohana had told you that truth of your life, you started to train like hell. Kyouraku had watched over you all time, like a guardian. You were a great promise as he said, and when you turned 14 you were accepted to the shinigami school. So much progress in a year that you were really taken in! Kyouraku was proud of you, so he had promised to take you to his squad if you passed the school. He believed you would be in the top, but you weren't so sure. Everyone was much older than you. In any case, you graduated as one of the best. You didn't do so good with demon magic but that didn't bother anyone. You had been a pleasant surprise for everyone, being so young and still matching all the older students. Also, you made friends with Rukia Kuchiki. Another year passed and you were promoted to the 3rd seat in 8th division. Despite that, you were almost vice-captain level. One day, you decided that you want to go check out the living world, since you had never been there really. You had always been busy in Soul Society. Your captain, Kyouraku, disagreed to let you go alone."What if I ask Kuchiki Rukia to come with me? She knows the real world like her own pockets!" You suggested to him."Well, I guess it's alright... I'll give you a week. But if you'd give me a big hug before going-" You punched your captain's face."NO WAY!" Then you left to look for Rukia."Whoa... What a temper... Just like Nanao-chan's..!" Your captain muttered.You tracked Rukia's reiatsu from the Kuchiki house. It didn't take long for you to go there, and there Rukia was practising her demon magic."Excuse me... Rukia-san." You mumbled."Hmm? Oh, Kazumi! What a surprise! What brings you here?" Rukia said with a smile when she saw you."I was thinking that if you'd come with me to the living world for a week... it's so dead here." You answered her question."I think I can. I just got to inform nii-sama that Im going. I don't want to worry him too much." Rukia said walking past you to the door. "Can we meet later when I have got all my stuff ready?""Sure, when?" You asked her."Umm... 5pm at the gate?" She called to you from the door."Okay! I'll meet you by the gate!"Later you met Rukia near the gate to the real world. You and Rukia both had all your stuff and gigais and you were ready to go. She had told you that you would be staying in Karakura town. You would go to school, eat real food... You would do everything that humans do. You got to the real world, and you were standing on a street. Everything looked so weird to you. You had been there so long ago..."I will introduce you to someone." Rukia mentioned as you were standing in front of a house. Rukia was already ringing the doorbell."Rukia-san!" You caught up with her by the door.A girl opened the door. She didn't look older than 9 years. She yelled:"Ichigo-oniichan! Your girlfriend is here!""WHAAT?! She's definitely NOT my girlfriend!!!" You heard a boy's voice yell from somewhere inside the house, then you heard foot steps."Sorry to keep you waiting Rukia." The boy was tall, orange haired and scary. He was making that grumpy face, like forcing his eyebrows to look terrifying. You had hid behind Rukia's back, but there was this problem: you are much taller than her. "Who's that?""She's my friend from Soul Society. I assume you can introduce yourself?" Rukia called when she saw you crouched behind her back."I can..." You stood up behind her and stepped forward. Hoping you weren't pure red on your face. "My name's Kazumi Hinote, 3rd seat of 8th division. Nice to meet you mister."Usually you weren't shy at all. But this boy - he was scary. "Ichigo, can we stay here for a week?" Rukia asked him completely serious. He looked taken aback."Did I just hear right??""Yeah, we need a place to stay, stupid." She said and looked at him confidently."Well, my pa is gonna be away for just a week, so I guess..." Before he finished his sentence Rukia had stepped in dragging you behind her."Rukia-san!" You grumbled when she pulled you inside."Just relax Kazumi!" She said smiling. Ichigo sighed. "We can sleep in your room right Ichigo?""Wha-what!? No way in hell Rukia!" Ichigo shouted looking irritated. "Sh*t, fine. I'll sleep in dad's room.""Thank you Ichigo-san." You muttered and Rukia grinned. She seemed to be used to this."That's nothing."You unpacked your bags in Ichigo's room, and it was pretty late already. You were alone with Rukia in the room for a while."Rukia-san, does he know?""Know.. Know about what?" Rukia asked seeming confused."About the shinigami and Soul Society." You replied looking out of the window, sitting on Ichigo's bed."Yes. Of course, he's a substitute." She answered indifferently. She was looking for her pyjama."WHAT?!" You roared and looked at her. She never told you that before..."He's a substitute shinigami. He's a living person." Rukia said turning her bag around. "There!"You said nothing to that. A substitute? Weird. You had never seen a living shinigami. And you had never lived at all yourself... Neither had Rukia. The dusk was falling and you felt a desire to go outside exploring. But you didnt know anything about Karakura town, nevertheless, you had made up your mind already."Rukia-san, I will go to see the sights." You muttered and leaped to the window sill. "Oh I forgot about my gigai..."You got out of it and stood by the window sill to hear if Rukia wished to stop you. Fluky enough it fell inside. She didnt have any plans to block the window, so you jumped off the window sill to the ground. Rukia came to the window and said:"Arent you enjoying your stay Kazumi-chan?""Uh... Thats not it... I just want to see the living world, if we are going to that school thing and else.""Well, dont go too far. You might get lost." Rukia said with a contented smile."I can always track your reiatsu back to this house Rukia-san." You said and ran off."Maybe you wont, Ichigos reiatsu completely overpowers mine..."Did you like my story?
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